Problogging as a job or business, Web Designing as a hobby

I was so busy for the past few months and for the past few weeks as I have updated my other websites and blogs. Add to that, I revised a few websites too. I actually would like to update my blogs and websites regularly but web designing has been keeping me busy. I still have a lot of websites to be revised as the codes need to be updated.

On April 2, 2009, as I have already written about it here a few weeks ago, I launched (without any champagne) 🙂 my new problogging venture at, Problogging Tips and Ideas, Reviews and Opinions. I update this blog on a daily basis from Mondays to Fridays but I made Saturdays and Sundays optional days. I do need a break too. 🙂

If you would like to venture on making money online problogging or simply just blogging, come, join me at Pro Blog it. You might get some ideas from what I have written so far. You might be interested at these two blog entries, Problogging Summary Guide to Starting and Implementing a Blog, and Direct Ways to Make Money Online Problogging.

Two weeks after launching Pro Blog it, I finally finished revising two websites that I have created in 2000 and 2002, one was about the Semirara Dumpsite Issue in Semirara Island, Caluya, Antique, Philippines way back in 2000 to 2001, and the other one was about the Patria Diesel Power Plant Issue in Patria, Pandan, Antique, Philippines way back in 2002 to 2003. These two sites have been riding with other domain names before until I decided to transfer them to an appropriate domain name so it would be easier to remember them.

I converted the two websites from simple HTML to PHP using WordPress as CMS. These sites are additional two sites that I will be updating too. The updates may not be about the issues anymore but one way or another will still be related to power plants and garbage problems and other things related to the topics and the places.

Along the way, I have also been making some minor revisions at and I have never really updated regularly before but it seems like I will be doing it now, maybe once a month just like how I update Even if the updates will be just once a month, at least, there will be some movements at the website on a monthly basis.

Having been so busy for the past weeks got me into contemplating that I need to treat problogging as a job or business. I need a lot of commitment to survive the problogging business. The fact is, problogging everyday is not at all an easy task. I need to commit to myself so I will keep on blogging everyday. It is different from web designing which I really treat as a hobby. But no matter what, job or business or hobby, I will survive because I know that I have been loving web designing and blogging.

There is nothing wrong if I like making money online problogging. Is that really bad? I don’t think so, as long as I do not make money the center of my life. Money is just a perk in one’s life. It should not be the center of one’s existence. I can honestly say that it is never the core of my existence on this earth and in this universe.

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